Thursday, June 7, 2007

I want stuff!

The colder weather means I start shopping around on the internet for stuff I want. (Actually a lie, I'm constantly shopping on the internet!)

Anyways, lately my thoughts have turned to little things, mainly because postage is cheap and I don't have to put them through a washing machine once a week. Also the little kids at school notice small details and it's a great way to distract them... so ahem, I wanted to share some things I like with you.

You can click on the images to visit the websites they are from.

This ring is called a 'ForgetMeKnot' ring... clever huh?

And this is called a 'Branch Ring,' actually cast from a tree twig!

And this is another ring, cast from a real willow branch! Yes it's a diamond, but strangely, this ring is quite cheep!

And finally, I love looking at pictures of people all over the world: what they are up to and what they are wearing. Guess it's in the genes with a fashion-designer sis and a nan that was a handmade lingerie specialist back in the 40's.

Go here if you'd like clothes inspiration for being a normal person on the street - there are photos of slick dressers with awkward bodies, poor students, obsessives and unnormal people. Europeans sure know how to take advantage of colour!

OK, it feels like I've scratched that itch enough for now...