Sunday, January 11, 2009

"When I was young I admired intelligent people, as I grow older I admire kind people." --Abraham Heschel "Kindness and patience with others is the ultimate sophistication."

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Anatomy is Awesome!

I've been exercising more steadily for about three months now. I ain't no Olympic Athlete, but for pretty much the first time in my life I'm enjoying myself and am beginning to see small changes and results.

I run up around Mrs Macquaries Chair a few times a week, I have begun meeting Mark at the Andrew Boy Charlton Pool to do a few laps, and I am considering a return to yoga.

A pretty big turn around if I do say so myself! (Think back to 2 years ago when I smoked a pack a day and ideal snack was Sao with butter, maybe honey too ;) or 5 years ago when... oh let's not look back that far, I may have been skinny but there were definitely problems)

Anyway, so I'm learning lots, but of course along the way I have had a few pains, mainly in my legs. Some stretching has helped, but sometimes it's hard to describe where the pain is, to ask how I should stretch!

And then I found this awesome website. Go forth and experience anatomy for yourself!

And some stretches to help cure the problem:

Oh, and it's my Soleus that hurts :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come. --Chinese proverb