Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why it's good to have a sick day. (sometimes.)

Last week I was sick with something mild but I kept going in to work.

Being a teacher, this mostly goes unnoticed as the people around you are mostly kids and they do not really know how to see much beyond their own noses.

Anyway, I ended up FATIGUED! I kept asking myself "is something wrong?" and I was even worried I was becoming depressed, I thought I might need to see a nutritionist because I was all out of energy! And then I realised I just needed a day off.

And this is why it's wonderful. I:

- organised to get my blinds and kitchen sink fixed
- went for a run, and there was hardly anybody else running
- watched the sky turn the colour of a latte
- hung out my window and watched some road rage as a (rather hot) looking workman used his own crane to load gravel into Paul Keating's backyard
- moisturised
- got a quote to get my cream lounge cleaned, then booked
- found out the details of my health insurance and changed my address with them (haven't heard from them for 18 months)
- took a piece of my birthday cake down to my building manager
- ate a piece of birthday cake myself, with a properly brewed pot of tea
- booked a table at Jimmy Liks for dinner with my friend Kat
- got my fringe trimmed
- had my car washed
- walked around my local shops and bought some groceries
- watched screaming kids climb the mast of The Young Endeavor from my window

All before yoga and dinner!

But then in the afternoon I felt sick again, and almost vomited in the hair dresser. Yeah, I am still sorta sick. The more I rush the more giddy I feel. Mild ear infection!

I must admit that I still haven't done my ironing though. Sigh.