Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Four generations of Colgates...

This Christmas we got the special family photo - four generations!

Standing: Kathryn Naylor holding baby Lily, Laura Richards, Marcia Richards.
Sitting: Jessie Colgate
The next step... the family tree! A project for 08?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Buon Natale...

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays! Here's some news and musings...

2007, a vintage year. It certainly did not start with much promise. I was all strung out still dealing with my assault and I got robbed three times. Fighting flatmates, casual romance and a double-dinged car. But slowly it has improved, I've managed to turn a few corners, and enjoy myself along the way!

I LOVED (I hear that 'hearting' is so yesterday)
- Meeting my boyfriend Mark. The most pleasant surprise life has had in store for me as yet. Goes without saying.. I wont make you sick by telling you anything more about how in love with him I am!
- Becoming an Aunty. I'm quite used to being called Aunty now, and I love it. My niece Lily is for certain both the best looking and smartest child in the world!
- Taking life more slowly. There seriously is not enough hours in the day to be superwoman, so overall I have downsized my life in the last year. Nothing personal, just wanted to feel good about fulfilling a few wishes rather than being half-way good at a whole lotta things! I really don't feel sorry for people that are 'too busy' because I have discovered a whole lot of it is self created. hmmph!
- That Kevin Rudd is now our Prime Minister! I'll remember exactly where I was when I heard the news break once and for all (A Chinese restaurant in Byron Bay, an Asian lady looked at me across the room and pumped the air with her fist!)

- That I used the internet to find boyfriend mentioned above.
- That my parents have finally announced their separation, after 30 years of ill communication, awkward silences and lack of common interest. They may change their minds again, but whatever they think is best makes me happy enough!
- That I moved to the Eastern Suburbs! Potts Point is truly a beautiful place to live, but I admit I thought I'd be an inner westie forever. Bet I end up moving back there if rents keep raising at these rates though...
- That I gave up smoking. Twas true that I was smoking up to a pack a day. Just too sad on the inside, these last few years have pushed me through alot of nonsense. Then Winter came, and smoking was banned in pubs, and I gave up! Hooray...

- My teaching career. I really have been blessed to fall on my feet and have such terrific opportunity at my Primary School. No thanks to the actual NSW Department of Education though. It's such a shame that a bureaucracy can fuck up such a great profession! I'll stick with it though and attempt to develop myself further... study more.... really make a career for myself
- The weight I have put on since the assault. It's like a nice cushiony pillow, but I know it was all done in a time of terrible uncertainty and sadness. Maybe this year I'll start to whittle away at it a bit!
- Australia's ongoing obsession with real estate and a mortgage at all costs, all I can say is I am glad I haven't bought in as yet.

- That I might make a trip overseas this year, possibly to New York with Mark to visit his brother, who lives there. I'm still in debt but this may be an opportunity that i can't pass up! Stay tuned...
- That I have another year of relative stability ahead. Yawn... I must be turning 30 soon...

I hope that 2007 has brought you love, light, fulfilled wishes, and further promises. Merry Christmas, hope you can take some time to relax and count your blessings.

Lots of love always, Laura xx

Friday, December 21, 2007

Andrea Wohl Keefe: Artist

I found this artist, she is called Andrea Wohl Keefe.

I really like her work.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Adopt an Elephant

I have been watching Elephant Diaries on the ABC every Thursday, something I look forward to immensely every week!

I have an amazing respect for this project and hope to adopt an elephant shortly - it costs a mere US$50 per year and there are a whole range of benefits that come along with adoption - most of all, feeling good!!

The elephants are traumatised orphans that are rehabilitated to go back into the wild, at their own pace. I have so much admiration for the heart and soul of this program and wanted to share. Click above for more...

Monday, December 17, 2007

THE Mobile Phone Holder...

I hate cords...

Especially mobile phone recharger cords...
Flying everywhere, around the kitchen, the lounge, it just looks messy!

Then I found this:

Ta Da!

Problem solved for $11. Shame I bought only one, and in Newcastle. I should have bought a whole load of 'em for Christmas presents. Anyways! You can buy them online here:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Book Covers of the Year

Wow, a webpage of some really pretty-lookin covers, and hopefully some good reads too.

Good to consider for Christmas stockings! I remember buying a book called 'What should I do with my life?' for my uncle Jim a few years back at Christmas, and he was terribly offended. A year later, he actually read it, and thanked me!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Shopping

I could go on and on about this but here are a few sites that have really saved my bacon:
Goes without saying - this website is a gateway to all things original and reasonably priced.

Another independent gem, representing clever design and original ideas.
Get the ideas before you join the crowd - ikea really do have incredible prices, this is the place to go if you need a large quantity of small gifts.

And... make your own Christmas wishlist online - Great for hinting to those whose gifts often fall into the 'not quite right category.' Love you mum and dad!