Monday, December 26, 2011

Killer Recipe: Capsicum Toffee Cream Cheese

So I made this for my family Christmas table, it really is a once-a-year thing (for me) but it is cheap to make and truly delicious! I was a little nervous because I was given the recipe by word of mouth, but I was very lucky it worked out even better than expected! Very versatile, you could easily substitute ingredients to suit taste or occasion.

2 x blocks of philadelphia cream cheese
1 x cup malt vinegar
1 x cup brown sugar
1 x cup of water
1 x red capsicum, sliced
sprinkle of chilli flakes (optional)
pinch of fresh rosemary (optional)
handful of dried cranberries (optional, I added because it was Christmas)

- Arrange cream cheese in a dish (the aim is for it to sort of look like a log)
- If you are adding anything extra (I added dried cranberries this time,) place them on top and around the cheese.
- Place sugar, vinegar, water in a saucepan, bring to boil.
- It should be a rolling boil all over, not too fast, not too small or slow, stir frequently.
- Add sliced capsicum, stir.
- Boil for 20-40min until liquid reduces and starts to become sticky
- Test regularly by drizzling a little bit on a cold plate, after 30sec you should see whether it is becoming 'sticky and sauce-like' or if it needs more time on the stove.
- When liquid reaches desired consistency, pour over cream cheese.
- Leave to set, can be stored in refrigerator but is best served at room temperature.

Best made on the day you plan on serving it, make sure you include a spoon as well as a cheese knife to serve!