Friday, November 30, 2007

It's a teacher's life...

Well here we are in the last term of the Australian school year... I thought I'd share with you my top ten moments in teaching for 2007 (no particular order..)

1. Having a student make her dad drive her back to school (over 100km) for one of my classes.
2. A student making and presenting me with an oil painting she made, for me! And it looks good!
3. Getting a big clap at assembly for my WaterWise mural project.
4. Teaching a student called Rong.
5. Getting given a jar of placenta cream for Christmas from an Asian student. Yes, placenta.
6. Emails from parents impressed with my teaching,
7. Birthday cake, almost every week there is at least one birthday cake.
8. My workmate Moya, as (one of my bosses) Maureen says 'a living angel.'
9. Having my bag and piles of stuff carried around by eager little helpers everytime we have to move somewhere.
10. Smiling faces, every day.

It's been a short year! It's gone fast... but it's been great.