Thursday, November 13, 2008

The quest for the perfect morning routine

I was just going to compare my actual morning routine to something that (I believe is) is more ideal. But then when I read what I do in the morning, well I'm pretty happy with it! So I'll leave it at that. It's sure to get worse if I have to commute or have kids, so I can read this again in the future and I'll feel better. Anyway.

Wake up at 7am to sound of Mark's phone alarm, which I attempt to refer to warmly as 'The Caribbean Man.' Snooze 2-4 times, depending on how long I want to cuddle Mark. Get up, and do things in this exact order (which I honestly believe, somewhere in my mind, optimizes my time. It probably doesn't.)
Switch kettle on, turn computer on. Go to the toilet. Apply deodorant and come back to kitchen to pour tea or coffee. Enter computer password as I am walking back past. Dress, brush teeth, come back to kitchen and put last night's washing up away while tea/coffee brews. Pour tea/coffee and drink in front of computer eating banana and reading news and trash. Rush around in circles a bit, maybe add some makeup, then leave.